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Using public health research evidence - how difficult can it be?

  • Venue: Seminar suite and learning lounge, Teesside University, Darlington Campus
  • Start: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 09:30:00 GMT
  • End: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 13:00:00 GMT

What is this Quarterly Research Meeting about?
The aim of this QRM is to discuss what happens, at the points in time, when research is considered as evidence to inform public health decision-making. What other factors loom large and compete against research evidence use? What are the implications for how research evidence is created, and how it is used in practice?

Who should attend? This event has been designed for professionals with an interest in either public health or commissioning, including alcohol services and/or control of sales, and will be particularly useful for commissioners in Local Authority Public Health Departments, in Clinical Commissioning Groups, on Health and Wellbeing Boards or in any public health role.

QRM January 2014


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