Fuse badged meetings

Health Inequalities Symposium: South Asian and Muslim (SAM) Research

  • Venue: The Beacon, Westgate Road, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 9PQ
  • Start: Tue, 02 Jul 2024 10:00:00 BST
  • End: Tue, 02 Jul 2024 15:00:00 BST

Nothing about us without us: bridging the research to impact gap for South Asian and Muslim (SAM) communities

Hosted by the Centre for Health and Social Equity (CHASE) at Northumbria University, supported by Fuse.

This event aims to bring together stakeholders involved in the delivery of health and social care service provision for minority ethnic South Asian and Muslim (SAM) communities. Commissioners, providers, researchers, and community voices will come together to discuss learnings from an evaluation of the service delivery model at Search Newcastle and explore recommendations for the wider system when it comes to co-located and integrated social care support for older people experiencing loneliness and social isolation.

Public partners from the community (West end Newcastle), Monique Lhussier (Director of CHASE) will set the scene by providing an overview of the current context for addressing health inequalities and an overview of research commissioned on perceptions on drug and alcohol recovery in this minority ethnic community. Dr Floor Christie (University of Sunderland/Fuse) will discuss a community participatory approach to developing an intervention on addressing barriers and facilitators to breast and cervical cancer screening for Muslim women in the UK.

This will be followed by workshop activities to develop priority areas based on the recommendations for the provision of regional co-located and integrated support for people experiencing health inequalities and build collaborative relationships between stakeholders and researchers.

Who is this event for?

This event is for anyone working with South Asian and Muslim communities to address health and wellbeing in co-located and integrated social care, including: people who have experienced drug and alcohol addiction; loneliness and social isolation; carers; community representatives; providers from the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector, local authority, and NHS services; commissioners; and academics and researchers.

What will I gain from this?

You will have the opportunity to contribute your perspectives to building local recommendations around integrated and co-located health and social care services for people experiencing health inequalities. In addition to facilitating research to support local practice and need.‌

SAM Event programme - 2 July 2024


Zeb Sattar - Introduction

Monique Lhussier -  Introduction to the Centre for Health and Social Equity

Steven Carter & Alison Petty - Health Literacy in South Asian Communities, and the
importance of Cultural Competency

Saeed Ahmed - Organ Donation

Evgenia Stepanova - Mental Health Service Users’ experiences of Service Providers’ qualifications, knowledge and training (updated version)

Greta Defeyter - British Muslim School Children (BMSC) and School Meals (ARC

Simon Luddington & Sonia Ahmed - Older South Asian People and Social Isolation and Loneliness

Lydia Lochhead - Stigma and drugs and alcohol in South Asian communities

Mushtaq Dakri - Alcohol and Addiction Recovery Support Services

Floor Christie & Rawand Jarrar - Addressing barriers and facilitators to breast and cervical cancer screening for Muslim women in the UK: A community
participatory approach to developing an intervention



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